Cold War Berlin Soviet secrets, CIA spies & more
Insider Tours helped compile the History Channel documentary on the Berlin Wall as seen by millions.
After WWII Berlin went from being the capital city of Nazi Germany to being the pivotal city in the struggle to control war-torn Europe. Berlin became the frontier of the Cold War, where the two superpowers collided.Discover the divided city of Berlin, retrace the often ghost-like trail of the death strip and the Berlin Wall, coming upon some of the more intriguing fortifications of its border, from guard towers to tank traps. Walk along Bernauer Strasse, site of many remarkable escape attempts.
Learn of successful and failed escapes in the face of a Border Command that would sooner follow the order of 'shoot to kill' than allow the heinous crime of 'flight from the Republic'.
Discover the methods of the Stasi (East German State Security) and learn about the systems, devices and people that kept the entire East German population under surveillance for 40 years. Who were the key figures in the GDR leadership and where are they today?
Get an extraordinary insight into what it meant to live in the GDR, the eastern bloc’s most heavily policed state. What was it like to live “Behind the Wall”?
"It is our duty to retain proof of this madness to guard against any possibility of its return."
The Senator for Urban Development concerned that the Wall had been almost completely erased from the face of Berlin.
Year round: Tues, Thurs & Sat
Time: 10:00 am
Meeting Point:
West: in front of McDonalds outside the main entrance to Zoologischer Garten train station, HardenbergPlatz, 10623 Berlin.
Duration: 4h